Industrial convectors

FCTS units are designed for environmentally friendly heating of rooms and halls by heated air, the heating medium is hot water. Designed in three sizes with single-row to four-row exchangers and axial ventilators. Designed for wall mounting and produced in the power range from approx. 9.6 kW to 88.7 kW (with air flow from 1500 to 7500 m3 .h-1).

FCTS – C units are designed for heating or cooling of rooms and halls by heated or cooled air according to the temperature of the supplied medium. Heating, respectively, the cooling medium is water. It is available in three sizes with three or four row heat exchangers and axial ventialtors. Designed exclusively for wall mounting and produced with flow rates from 1500 to 4100 m3 .h-1.

The units can be equipped with optional accessories. In an assembly with a mixing chamber they can be used for ventilation ( fresh air supply ).

FCTS and FCTS – C units are designed for environments protected against weather conditions with classification of climatic conditions class 3K5, without condensation, icing, ice formation and without water from sources other than rain according to EN 60 721-3-3 zm.A2., with temperature range 0 ° C to + 40 ° C and premises BNV.

More information can be found in our catalog.
